Monday, November 22, 2004

thankful for what?

Last year, our family of four did something new for Thanksgiving. We each kept a Thanksgiving journal of sort. Every day, beginning on Thanksgiving day and continuing through Christmas Eve, we would each write down something we were thankful for. On Christmas Day (or maybe New Years Day, I don't recall) we shared our lists with each other. I think we'll do that again this year.

Living in Williamson County, one of the top ten wealthiest counties in the country, tends to desensitize kids. It sometimes does the same thing to adults. (Before I go any further, let me just state that our family IS NOT ONE OF THE REASONS Williamson County is on this list. We're just here enjoying the benefits from those who earn the big bucks.) When you write down things for which you're thankful, it makes you realize how good you have it.

One thing I'm thankful for is that UT is in the SEC Championship Game after beating Vanderbilt. I know, that's not very deep, but they almost blew it Saturday. That would have been embarassing! But they're a young team, and sometimes forget they have to play four quarters instead of just two.

I'm also thankful for long-time friends. I'm meeting about 10 of them tonight after work to just hang out and catch up. I've known most of them for over 15 years, and we all used to work together just down the road. We've all since left this other place of employment, and I think everyone has been able to better themselves. We don't keep in touch like we promised we would, but that's pretty normal. I think it's been 3 years since some of us have seen each other. On the other hand, one of the guys is one of my closest friends and we talk 3-4 times a week. It's a good group of people. None of us has a core group of friends like this in our new jobs. I think you run into situations like this once in your life, and when it's gone you usually don't find it again.

Think about ways to be thankful this week. Your situation in life may not be all you dreamed it would be, but whose is? Nothing's perfect. There are no perfect neighborhoods with perfect families. (Hey, have you ever watched Desperate Housewives?) Everyone has their problems. But for every problem you have, try to come up with a blessing. You'll be surprised just how long your list will be.....

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