Tuesday, November 02, 2004

signs, signs, everywhere there's signs.....

Like most people I know, regardless of their political views, I'm ready for the election process to be over with. So many ads on television, it's ridiculous! I mean, I'm used to seeing a Vehix.com commercial during every break, and they've almost been non-existent lately! I'm sure that guy in the television set costume has seen his income decrease drastically.

On Saturday, our next door neighbor learned that one of our other neighbors HATES political yard signs. He has definite political ties, but he HATES yard signs. So when the sign-hater went to dinner that night, our next door neighbor retrieved all the political yard signs on the cul-de-sac and put them in Steve's front yard. He actually found it amusing, but he brought my Bush/Cheney sign back around lunchtime on Sunday.

So the polls are open today, and they're predicting record turnouts. The bride and I voted early; it took her 5 minutes one day, it took me 15 minutes the following Saturday. Some people in the Nashville area waited as long as 2 hours to vote early. I'm glad I've got my voting out of the way. Now I can go home after work and ignore the news until about 10:00 PM. Not that they'll have a winner determined by then. My guess is that it will take a few weeks to declare the winner. Both sides will call for fouls, even after the winner is announced.

Anyway, you've probably heard this a million times, but make sure you vote today if you haven't already done so. We have a choice when it comes to our leadership. That's one of the things that makes our country great. That, and Halle Berry. What a country!

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