Tuesday, May 03, 2005

yes sir, bench seat for one.....

I'm starting the Atkin's-like diet again that helped me lose 28 pounds three years ago. For the first four days, it's pretty much all the meat and eggs you want to eat, and no bread, sweets or other things that you might like to eat that's not meat or egg-related. I love both meat and eggs, but after four days I'll be ready for something else.

For lunch yesterday I went to Arby's for a salad. I brought it back to the car as usual, and proceeded to listen to sports talk radio as I ate.

After a few minutes, this guy pulls up in a red Ford pickup and goes into the restaurant. He comes back with his food, and I'm thinking that he's probably going to do the same thing as me - listen to the radio while he eats. I glance over after a few minutes and notice that he's laid out a folded hand towel long-ways on the dash over the instrument panel. He then pulls both a salt and pepper shaker and puts them on the towel. Then, and I had to look twice at this, he pulls from behind the seat a BOTTLE OF KETCHUP and puts it on the towel. Every now and then he would reach over, salt and pepper a few things, then squirt ketchup onto his fries.

He ate rather quickly for someone who carries around a full set of mobile condiments. When he finished, he put the salt and pepper shakers back into some sort of box, possibly a piece of Tupperware. Then he placed the ketchup bottle back behind his truck seat, opened the truck door and shook out the towel onto the parking lot. He closed his door, started the engine and drove off.

Next time I go to Arby's, I'll be looking for Mr. Mobile Condiment Man. Entertainment like that is rare.....

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