Monday, July 11, 2005

another sign you're getting old.....

Remember The Lion King, and the song "The Circle of Life"? Life is pretty circular. Things you may have hated to do years ago, you now find yourself loving. Like naps.

When I was little, I hated to take naps. When the girls were little, we sometimes struggled getting them down for naps. But as you get older, your body wants more rest. Maybe not extra hours and hours of sleep, but more rest.

Why did I need a nap yesterday? The bride called me cranky just before eating lunch. (Seems like I remember that being an excuse we used to use when we wanted the girls to take a nap.) I can't imagine why I was "cranky", if in fact that is an accurate term. It probably had nothing to do with pressure washing the house for 3 hours Friday night. And I'm sure it had nothing to do with washing windows all day on Saturday.

So we got home from church, ate some lunch, then I mowed the yard. Nice and humid yesterday, right before the remnants of hurrican Dennis hit our area last night. After a shower, I hit the couch and found a movie (Black Sheep) to "watch" while I dozed. Next thing I know, it's about 90 minutes later and I was rested. Just like that. The bride later commented that she was surprised I could sleep with all the little girls going up and down our steps. How little, petite 10-year-old girls can make that much noise climbing steps, I'll never know.....

So now naps are good. Things do change. However, not everything changes. For example, my taste for certain foods. In other words, I didn't like fried okra or turnip greens when I was little, and I don't plan on liking them anytime soon.....

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