Friday, July 08, 2005

advice to an old friend.....

Dear Tom,

Hey, buddy! Man, it's been so long since we've been able to get together! I know we've both been busy with work and families. Looks like things are going well for you with your new movie. Oh, and kudos to you on your new relationship! Katie is one of Meg's favorite actresses. She loved her on "Dawson's Creek"!

Actually, the reason I'm writing is concerning Katie and your relationship with her. I'd like to give you a little advice. Before you get upset, just think back to times when you have solicited advice from me in the past. Remember when you were doing that movie about stealing your dad's Porsche, and you called me with advice about a dance scene? Remember I told you that you should dance to a Bob Seger song in your boxers, a white dress shirt and Ray Bans? And remember when you were doing that airplane movie and you didn't like the line "We need to go past fast"? Who told you to use "I feel the need.....the need for speed!"? OK, now, you can trust me on this.

There will be times in your marriage when things aren't going too well for your wife. There may even be times when Katie is physically ill. Or, if you plan to have kids, there may be times right after she has the baby that she is a little moody. If any of this occurs do not - I REPEAT, DO NOT - simply tell her to take a vitamin and jog around the block. I realize you've got this whole Matt Lauer interview thing to defend, but you've got to use some common sense when it comes to dealing with your wife. Do you honestly think that I'd still be alive today if I had told my lovely bride to do 30 sit-ups and take kick-boxing lessons while she was experiencing post-partum depression? (By the way, she says hello!) I know advice is cheap, but this advice is valuable because it's something you can actually use.

Next time you're in Franklin give me a call and we'll meet at Starbucks downtown. Hope to hear from you soon!

Your friend,


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