Thursday, October 07, 2004

life decisions

I had lunch with a good friend today. He talked about going through some rough times over the past couple of years, struggling with his job situation. He talked about praying through some things, how things just seemed to be put on hold for some reason.

It made me think back to a little over seven years ago. I was stuggling with my job, wanting to do more elsewhere but scared of the unknown. I prayed and prayed, and felt like I was on an island where my prayers just couldn't get through. I finally left that job and took another job outside of the industry. For awhile, I thought I had made a huge mistake. I hated my new job. I hated the thought of getting up Monday through Friday because I knew I had to go to work. I was miserable. The job that I now have became available about 3 months into the bad job, and within 2 months I was hired. It's amazing what a difference it makes when you enjoy what you do for a living. When I look back on the events, it's obvious that God knew exactly what he was doing for me, even though I wasn't completely sold at all times.

Things aren't perfect now by any means. Problems still exist, just different ones. Being "the boss" over everyone has its upsides, but it can also have its downsides. I can play the bad guy, but never as bad as I'd sometimes like to be. Knowing I have the responsibility over the economic well-being of others at work can sometimes be a little stressful. All in all, though, I'm glad I'm here and by far like my job more days than I dislike it.

Back to my friend, one thing we're both fortunate enough to have is supportive wives. I can't tell you the number of times Susie said things like "we'll be fine" or "don't worry, I'm here for you." Most guys feel like they're the ones who should be saying these things. But like they say, the more strands a rope has, the stronger the rope will be. And I'm grateful for the rope that Susie and I form together.....

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