Friday, February 01, 2008

glad it wasn't three mugshots.....

Ever look at the front page of your newspaper and see somebody you know? That happened to me this morning. These three guys are in my class at church. And I'm a little jealous that that I didn't get an invitation to join them. Here's the caption from the Tennessean:

With Williamson County schools closed because of the threat of winter weather, a group of innovative Centennial High School students created their own snow run for sledding on Thursday. They brought three and a half truckloads of snow shavings from Southern Ice Arena to Buckingham Park subdivision in Franklin. Taking advantage of the snowy slope are, bottom left, Taylor Bloss, 18; bottom right, Kyle McClain, 18; and top, Chad Lister, 17.

1 comment:

Marsha Loftis said...

Don't feel bad. I never get invited to these activies either. :)