Friday, March 11, 2005

it's all in your mind.....

They say (and again, who am I to argue with them?) that you're only as old as you feel. If that's the case, then I'm 112 this week.

I'm not sure what it is, but this week I just can't seem to get enough sleep. I can't blame the Pacific time zone any more, because we've been back for nine days now. I need a remedy.

Well, as luck would have it, I may have a remedy coming my way this weekend. They say that being around younger people will make you feel younger. If that's the case, I'll be cured in no time, because this weekend we're hosting six 9th-grade girls from our church at our house for a spring youth "retreat" of sorts. They start arriving at 7:30 tonight, and we'll have them until Sunday morning at about 9:00. We did this last year, but had about 10 girls. Come to think of it, I don't remember feeling any younger then. In fact, I think I felt a little older after the weekend was over.

That's the thing - how does being around someone younger make you feel younger? If anything, it would make you feel older, reminding you "hey, I'm 25 years older than this kid." Either way, doesn't matter to me. I'll be 41 this year, and that's no big deal. I guess I shouldn't expect to feel 16.

Besides, who would want to be 16 again and deal with all the stuff that teenagers have to deal with today? Not me. I'd rather be a dad and try to help our two girls get through it. Here's to the bride and me making it through the weekend, and feeling no older than 40 come Sunday afternoon.....

1 comment:

cac said...

40 isn't old! Just think of what you have accomplished in those 40 years :)