Wednesday, March 23, 2005

comments from bunco widowers.....

When a reporter breaks a big story, he never knows what to expect. He could be pressured to reveal his sources, plead the fifth, and end up in prison. Maybe it doesn't get that bad. Maybe he'll face ridicule and taunting. But being a reporter, he's got to do his job - regardless of the consequences.

When I "broke" the bunco story last week, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. The bride took it well, and she passed the story along to her bunco friends. I've gotten responses from two husbands, and I wanted to share them with my 'blog audience. (All the names have been changed to protect their identities. Also, so their wives won't beat the crap out of them.)

The first one is from "Frank", and he writes:

We (the men on the block) are here for you. We are all here for each other. I am not afraid to talk about the many times that I have put the children to bed, all of us in tears, worrying about when "Winky" would return and if we would have to take out a second mortgage on the house. This is especially hard on "Dana" and "Paula" who have taken to hiding their piggybanks. Poor "Charlene" now knows that when Mommy takes a picture of one of her toys to put on e-bay, the toy will most likely be gone in a few days. She stuffs all her favorite toys, clothes, and candy under her pillow every night.
I have heard of support groups on other streets where the men meet to discuss their wives addictions and how their families cope. Meetings are held on an as needed basis under the guise of a "Poker Night". Although poker is played and "beverages" are consumed, these ancillary activities are only intended to provide the type of environment where men can discuss their feelings, lean on one another, and if necessary, shed a few tears. We should schedule one of these support group meetings soon.

Frank and I have spoken since then. In fact, he called last night to ask me about the location of batting cages in the Franklin area. I knew this wasn't why he called. I could tell that Winky had walked into the room just as we began talking. I have to give him credit for thinking so fast on his feet and coming up with the batting cage thing on the fly. Hopefully, Winky didn't catch on; because if she did, Frank and the kids may end up in one of those undergroud bunco support group shelters you hear about. Hopefully, he was able to make it throught the night unharmed.

I also got a response from "Ted" about my post. His letter took a little different tilt as you can see:

I am having some difficulties relating to what Wade has expressed (even though he claims it is 'for grins and giggles'). The "Darling" boys and I see it as an adventure as we learn to plan for and prepare our evening meal, try to control the boys' excitement at the notion that they may be selected to clean the dishes, work feverishly to complete homework assignments prior to mom's arrival and look for other opportunities to clean or straighten the house in an effort to gain mom's praise. We are just excited that mom will take a well-deserved evening for herself ! As a matter of fact, the boys have often suggested that we encourage mom to participate in the clubhouse bunco night but we knew it would be met with resistance from mom as she feels that she needs to be here with the family. I'm not sure why she too, is often late coming home from her evening (always empty-handed from her 'financial investment') but we must assume that she is involved insome sort of counseling session with one of the 'younger' mothers; and that always makes us so proud!
No Wade, we encourage "Anastasia's" involvement as just a small token of our appreciation for a job, no, a life well done!Of course there are many who say I remain in denial...are you sure it is only once a month? What time do they get finished anyway, does anyone really know? Who actually has seen the 'winner's proceeds'? What are they really buying with $10 each?
I agree, we need (I need) this men's support group! This has been such a good therapy session for me, thanks Wade!

I don't weep that often, but it was all I could do to hold back the floodgates as I read this. This response SCREAMS "husband abuse" like I've never witnessed before. Can you see how he's just begging for approval from his wife? It's like he figures the more he does to make her "happy", the less chance there is that he'll get smacked around. The sad thing is that the boys are probably aware of the abuse, and they're just trying to help out dear old Dad. However, by the end of his response, you can see that Ted is starting to question things. Maybe there's hope for him yet.

You know, the more I dig into this bunco problem, the more I learn that bunco is just the top layer of the real problem. It's almost a mob mentality coming from the women on this street. Oh, sure, they're unassuming in their everyday life, but there's more to them than meets the eye. For example, I forgot to mention that when I got home from softball practice last Monday, there was a note from the bride saying that she had taken $10 from Sara's billfold. Stealing from children! I've even heard that some moms break into their child's piggy bank to get their "seed money" for the bunco game. Shocking! Even as the bride and I were out walking the other day, another mom called to us from her front porch that she had gotten new dice, laughing as she told us - an obvious jab at yours truly.

The "Cul-de-sac Mob o' Moms" may have a chink in their armour. Through some intelligence information gathered over the past week, we learned that one of the bunco players is moving out of state. (This isn't uncommon in the mob world. When they feel that their organization has been compromised, they usually move one of their "associates" and have them and their family members assume new identities. All I can say is lookout Gulf Coast.....) Once "Slim Shady" has moved, there's a slight chance we can get to the next mom who joins the group and have her be our "mole" to gather more information for us. The wheels are in motion, but that's all I can say about it at this point.

I won't lie to you - I'm more than a little scared. I've obviously awakened a sleeping giant, and he's trying to get back at me. Thankfully, the men on the street are behind me. As long as we keep a united front, we'll be fine. More on this troubling tale at a later date.......but from now on, there'll be no grins, no giggles, just the cold hard facts.....

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