Tuesday, August 31, 2004

some people.....

Why is it hard for some people to say "hi" or acknowledge someone's presence? I'm a friendly person, always have been. My mom said that she had watch me when I was little because I would go up and talk to anyone: the guy reading the water meter, the trash men, exterminators visiting our neighbors. So it's just natural for me to be friendly. But some people....

I'll be walking down the hall at work, and I'll say "hi" or "how's it going" to anyone I see. Most people will respond back, if they haven't already said something first. But some people.....they'll stare straight ahead; or worse yet, they'll look the opposite way! Some will give it the old "look-at-my-watch-because-I'm-running-late" routine. Some people.....

(Remember the Seinfeld episode where Kramer wanted to have pictures of all the apartment residents on the bulletin board along with their names so that everyone could know everyone? It got so bad that they were kissing each other on the cheeks. Jerry also wondered how many times he would have to say "hi" to the same person during the day. First time, "hi, how are you?" Second time, a smile, maybe a wave. After that, I've seen you enough for today.)

After about a year of observing this wierd behavior, I thought it was just me. I thought that maybe, since I was new here, some people were just really introverted. I mean, there are about 1,500 here in the building, so there's really no way to know everyone. So I talked to a friend of mine who had worked here much longer, and asked him if it was just me. Much to my relief, I learned that it's a pretty common occurance here. Some people.....

I'm not looking for a long-term relationship here. I'm just asking for common courtesy. A simple smile, a "hi", fog a mirror for me, something. Lighten up already! Life's too short to be a prude. The next person you snub could be an interesting person who could make your life even better.

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