Thursday, November 09, 2006

this one's for my girls.....

I'm a very neat eater. I don't do alot of spilling or dropping of food or drink on me or my clothes. It's rare that it happens. If the bride and I go out for ribs, I'll eat mine with a knife and fork and barely use my napkin. The bride, however, will use several napkins, and they all look like she's used them to clean up after a knife fight. And I'm not saying this to pick on her, because that's how most people's napkins look after eating ribs. I'm just different.

A person I admire a great deal once said something like this - If you get mud on you, don't try to wipe it off immediately. If you do, it'll just smear and make the stain worse. Let it dry first and it will come off easier. He was speaking figuratively, of course, referring to times when things get hectic and messy in life. I should have heeded his advice yesterday.

After having a sandwich at Quizno's, I noticed a spot of mustard on my shirt. I should have let it dry but I didn't. I went right after it and attacked it while it was still wet. Guess what? Made the stain bigger.

The bride and our daughters are now laughing at me and loving it after reading this. You're welcome, ladies.....

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