Thursday, November 16, 2006

good news/bad news.....

So the good news is that after today, I'm off until November 27. I had to reschedule a few of my vacation days this year due to some conflicts, but it worked out for the best. I've never taken the entire week of Thanksgiving off, so I'm looking forward to it.

Now for the bad news. Sara started running a fever about 10 days ago. After a couple of visits to the doctor's office we found out that she has pneumonia. During a follow-up visit yesterday, we learned that her condition had worsened slightly. She's on some adult-sized doses of a couple of strong antibiotics. If these don't make a dent in the pneumonia by Friday, the doctor said he would need to admit her to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.

Keep Sara and the rest of us in your prayers.....

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