Thursday, January 12, 2006

follow-up to yesterday.....

As we started out on our walk yesterday afternoon, the bride said that she had read my post for the day. She did point out, however, that I had left out some important information. So here's.....the rest of the story.

Apparently I've been snoring quite a bit lately. But just in my sleep, so it's not an all-the-time kind of thing. My "alleged" snoring keeps some people awake. And by some people, I'm referring to the bride. So the moment I asked if she liked her bone, she had just come back from trying to sleep on the couch in the den. Evidently my alleged snoring was so loud that it kept her from sleeping that night.

But let's take it a step further. When she got back into bed that night, she apparently roused me from my slumber causing me to ask her this question. Makes me wonder if she didn't actually wake me up.....

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