Wednesday, December 01, 2004

running on ice.....

Ever have one of those days where you just can't seem to get enough done? Yeah, I know, wah, wah, wah. But it's just been one of those days.

I was barely conscious when I left the house this morning. I got in bed at regular time, but I can't remember being so tired after a night's sleep. Got into the office, did my morning routine, then it was time for staff meeting. Nothing like "leading the troops" when you're half-asleep when you need to energize the crowd. Faked my way through the meeting, did some other stuff, then sat through 75 minutes of software compliance. Talk about performances they ought to charge for admission! The electricity in the room was like the Beatles had reunited, even George, for a one-time concert! In all fairness to the facilitator, it was the material and not his presentation. But there's nothing like hearing about corporations being sued for millions because their employees copied software illegally. Came back from the meeting, and I've been behind ever since. How a 75-minute meeting can make you 3 hours behind in your work is beyond me. That's why I'm blogging now as I eat lunch (a bag of tuna) and install some perfectly legal software.

Tomorrow's supposed to be a vacation day, with the bride and I doing some Christmas shopping. However, due to a roof leak, that may or may not happen. I had first said I'd just work tomorrow if the repair guy can't come until tomorrow, but I may actually just stay home and wait for them there. If we can't do our shopping tomorrow, we'll be forced to do it at night after work and on the weekends, and that's what we're trying to avoid. Oh, well, we'll do what we have to do and go from there.

24 more shopping days.....

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