Friday, September 10, 2004

like being around grandparents

I attended a retiree meeting this morning, had my 5-minute presentation for them, etc. It's always great being around these people. My company's sponsor has an annual fellowship for the retirees, and I always go so I can keep in touch with them. Seeing them here in the building, renewing old friendships, is great. There aren't many companies who do this kind of thing for their retirees. There also aren't many employees who would want to keep in touch with so many former co-workers these days.

I'm by far the youngest person on the agenda at these meetings. They all come up and talk with me, and it's like being around my grandparents. Always a handshake, a smile, a pat on the back, a "you're doing a great job for us" kind of thing. And that's always nice. Not that I'm ignored on a daily basis, by any means. Being the boss here, it's my job to do the same for my employees. I guess the hardest part of encouraging others for me is putting aside personalities and show support and approval based on the individual's achievement.

I hope as I grow older that I can have the same kind of encouraging attitude towards those I come into contact with, whether they're people I see often or just those I bump into every now and then. Actually, I guess I don't have to wish for that for just when I get older; I could hope for it now. I openly admit that I'm an OFIT (old fart in training), but hopefully I'll never graduate past the "in training" part. That's a hope my wife and daughters probably have, also.

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