Tuesday, June 14, 2005

sponge-bob (or mary, or joe, or jill) .....

Sponges are things that soak up moisture, and they rarely release what they've absorbed unless they're squeezed. When they do release the liquid, what comes out of them is what they've soaked up.

People are like sponges - they become what they absorb. Ever spend any time around someone who's contantly negative and try to inject their life with some positive stuff? It's not easy because a sponge can only soak up so much, and until it realeases what it's holding on to there's nothing else getting in.

Most people don't want to release what they've captured, even if it's terrible and negative. It may be awful, but doggone it - it's their negative stuff! They become so attached to it that they don't know how they'd live without it.

I try to avoid negative people but it's not always possible. The trick is dealing with them in a manner that allows you to exist in their presence without wanting to physically harm the person. And that's easier said than done. So if I ever learn that trick, I'll be sure to pass it along.....

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