Friday, July 23, 2004

so far, so good.....

So I got up out of bed at 5 this morning, no problem.  Got dressed, didn't have trouble tying my shoes or anything.  Actually ran about twice as much as normal.  This "turning 40" thing is a bunch of you-know-what.....
As soon as I cleared the front door, I saw it.  My car was covered with "police tape" with the phrase "caution: old zone" written on it.  Several signs and various objects proclaiming my age.  I noticed about 3 dozen black balloons in the trees, and about a dozen more on the mailbox.  As I got in the shower, an index card with "caution: old person, 40" was perched beside the shampoo bottle.  On my way out of Forrest Crossing, signs announced this milestone to my neighbors.  I'm sitting amidst streamers, balloons and signs here in my office.  It's nice to know that my employees are evidently so secure in their jobs......just kidding!  Many thanks go to Devonna and Meg for their work on my car, the yard and the signs in the neighborhood.  Also to my lovely wife, Susie, for getting up early to fix bacon and eggs.  And to my employees for the decorations and lunch to be had later on.  I do need to mention that among all the "fun" signs, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the sweet notes left for me by my 3 girls. 
When I was growing up, preachers seemed to talk about the second coming alot more than they do now.  It used to bother me that Christ would come back before I could drive and date, or get married and have a family, and various other things that I looked forward to.  It's 30 years later, and I've been able to do all that stuff.  It's been all I thought it would be, and then some.  Has it been perfect?  Of course not, but I have noticed that it does keep getting better all the time.  So I'm thankful for my first 40's to the next 40.....

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

Happy Birthday, Wade. You & Susie've still got a lot of livin' to do!