Friday, December 02, 2005

mid-week pick-me-up suggestion.....

Ever feel down about yourself? Feel like your life is terrible? I've got the perfect solution for you -watch Fox's Trading Spouses on Wednesday night! Within the first 30 minutes, you'll be on top of the world!

I'm not really sure why I'm "drawn" to this show, and even if "drawn" is the right word to use here. It's almost like a car wreck that you can't turn away from on the interstate - before you know it, you're staring.

I guess the most puzzling thing to me is why people would want to be on this show. I mean why publicize how bad you've got it? And why risk being made fun of for weeks after the show airs? For example, the crazy woman named Margarite from Louisiana - someone made a bobble head doll of her and loaded some of her outrageous sound-bites into the bobble head so that every time you bopped her head one of her stupid sayings from the show would come out. Silly? Yeah, so silly that this guy sold the bobble head for $870 on e-Bay.

No matter what your current situation in life is, there's an excellent chance you'll be feeling mighty good about yourself and your life after just one episode.....

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