Friday, February 06, 2009

them's gonna' be some shiny shoes.....

Remember when you were a teenager and adults would say stupid things? It wasn't that the adults were stupid, they just sometimes got their words tangled and what came out of their mouths sounded really stupid. I am now a stupid adult.

Softball season starts in about a
week. Sara needed new cleats because her foot has grown a full size since last fall. We went to three different places, coupons in hand, looking for the cleats.

Have you heard that Under Armour now makes footwear? I started seeing them last year, and now they're making all kinds of shoes. They appear to be well made and very popular. But I have a problem saying "Under Armour". While Sara was trying on a pair of Nikes I said something like, "So do those feel better than the ArmorAlls?" She looked at me and said, "Uh, Dad, what did you just call them?"

I went home and watched my Matlock DVDs until I fell asleep.....

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