Tuesday, January 09, 2007

for what it's worth.....

We watched the first Exteme Home Makeover for 2007 Sunday night. Really? That was it? Two sets of "Brady-Bunch-esque" families who want to get together but can't because the guy's house is too small and has some structural damage? Maybe I'm being too hard here, but it seems that there ought to be some other family somewhere who's having a more difficult go of things than these families. Could be that I'm comparing this family to some of the other families who have been featured in the past. Or is America running out of families that that are in desparate need of help?

If they are, I've got a suggestion for them. I know someone who once lived in a house that was in much worse shape than the one they showed Sunday night. She doesn't live there any more, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind a retroactive visit from good ol' Ty. They could build her a new house, nothing nearly as fancy or as large as what they normally build. And she wouldn't have to go to Paris, France either. She'd be just as happy going across the mountain for a week in Harlan, Kentucky or maybe Kingsport.

The only potential problem would be whether or not the Design Team's bus could make it over the mountains to Pennington Gap. Well, that and the people there wouldn't know how to react to someone like Michael.....

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