Friday, December 29, 2006

so, about 365 days later.....

Only 2 days left in 2006. Plenty of changes this year. Even more changes on the way in 2007, I'm sure of it.

Looking back at the past year, I decided to pull up a couple of pictures that were a year apart. One was taken the last week of December 2005, the other at about the same time in 2006. Here they are:

Parents spend their lives preparing their children for the real world. The only problem is that no one prepares parents on how not to be shocked when they look at pictures year after year and see how much their children have grown each and every year. One minute you're changing their dirty diapers, the next minute you're consoling them after they've gotten a ticket for "allegedly" running a red light. (Purely hypothetical situation.....maybe.) Seems that it was only yesterday that you watched them play in the sand at the ballpark because they were too young to play. Now you're watching them hit home runs and strike out batters.

Here's to 2007. And to blessings I don't deserve but for which I'm so very grateful.....

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