Monday, September 13, 2004

that was close

Ever started a blog, read it, and deleted it immediately because of something you wrote?

Yep, I wrote this blistering blog earlier this morning to vent some frustrations. And, boy, did I feel better after writing it! Then I read it. And re-read it. And re-read it again. After the second re-read, I realized I couldn't post it. I try to maintain a great deal of anonymity when it comes to work-related stuff. And even though this wasn't very descriptive, those closest to me who read this on a regular basis would have called me on it.

Wouldn't it be nice if our daily conversations sometimes had a delete key? Maybe you're different, but there are times when my mouth just isn't big enough for both of my feet. Sometimes I come out with these great zingers that could have gone unsaid. I'll admit, I'm a smart-alek. It's always been my nature. I'm not bragging, just being honest. I can spar verbally with the best of people. My humor is mostly self-deprecating, but I so tend to zing people on occaision (usually much to the delight of everyone in the room except the one being zinged).

I'm alot better about it now than I used to be, although I'm not completely cured. Most of the time I'll think of something, then tell Susie about what I was going to say later. She usually laughs, though sometimes she'll say "you're terrible" or "I can't believe you would have said that!". I was never the class clown, but rather more of what Billy Crystal called the class comedian - I thought up the stuff for the class clown to do, but would never do it myself. I guess as I grow older, I know my audience better, and know better when it's safe to say things.

In the meantime, I'll see if I can work on that delete button for conversations.....I'll keep you posted.....

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