Monday, July 14, 2008

she thinks i'm crazy, but i'm just growing old.....

As I was working out in the yard Saturday with my handy iPod shuffle, the Steely Dan song "Hey 19" played during the rotation of songs. The song's about how out of touch an older man is with his younger girlfriend. It made me think of some conversations we've had lately with Meg about college life.

I've been told it's a girl thing, but Meg will be leaving with more stuff for college than I ended up with after four years in college. With girls, everything has to match. It has to be cute.

I've told Meg that I actually lived in a 10' x 14' dorm room for four years and lived to tell about it. And during those four years, I walked down the hall to shower and go to the bathroom whenever necessary. She looked at me like I'd just said I never owned an iPod when I was a teenager. Now dorms are more like apartments and some, like the one Meg will be living in, is a quad unit with a kitchen and more than one bathroom. Sheer luxury compared to what I had.

Good thing we didn't have a quad unit in college. We probably would have never cleaned the bathrooms or kitchen.....


Anonymous said...

Who needs a bathroom and kitchen. We had a fan in the window and a TV to watch MASH and Carson.....what else did we need???

wstaple said...

Don't forget, we had a sink in the room. And air conditioning!