Thursday, May 05, 2005


The tremble you felt last night at around 8:28 CST was the celebration coming from 374 Glendower Place. The bride, Sara and I were EXTREMELY glad that Scott had been voted off of American Idol. We all said, "They finally got it right!"

Did his performance Tuesday night merit his dismissal? I'd have to say that he sounded much better than Anthony, and everyone assumed Scott was safe for another week. Other than Tuesday night, Scott's act over the previous 3 weeks had been abysmal. That was reason enough to let him go. Plus, he took the spot of other contestants who deserved to stay, particularly Nadia and Constantine.

The top 3 vote-getters should be the top 3 next week at this time. From that point, I really don't care who wins because they're all deserving. I'm just relieved that Scott won't have the chance to be in that top 3, because he didn't deserve to get as far as he did......

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